State your Name – Quinlan Wilhite
Where are you reppin’? – Tucson, AZ
State your Blog name -
Qmulative.blogspot.comWhat’s your blog about? Qmulative is about shedding light on dope, non-mainstream (aspects of) street culture. It embodies what I enjoy and what I live.
Why did you want to start a blog? There wasn’t ONE site that I was ‘following’ which really hit home, they each had their specific niche so I chose to bring them all together – presenting a cumulative …qmulative selection of posts.
What other blogs influenced you to start one? Primarily ATTIC (, they have a good apparel/shop/lifestyle/car vibe - I branched out from there.
What are your passions in life? Spending and enjoying time with friends/family, motocross, freebording, learning, being innovative
What do you do to pay the bills? School, Work or Other? Part-time restaurant job for the time being, I’ve got some things in the works though (more in the realm of the blog, / streetwear)
I heard you worked for some street wear internships in LA for a summer. That sounds amazing tell me about that experience. I wanted to get a behind-the-scenes look at what goes into a lifestyle brand/shop, just wanted to experience a different city / scene. Eighty emails later, opportunities in Oregon, New York and California arose, the majority being in CA. I was fortunate to work under the wings of four heavy hitters in the game: Tradition, Ampal Creative, Humidor and Elm – sure, the trade shows and rooftop shop unveilings were great, but what really proved most beneficial were the networking and acquired knowledge aspects. My ‘summer-recap’ can be seen here:
I saw your short movie. How did that come about? Wanted to do a day-in-the-life short before summers end to share my Los Angeles experience with my friends/fam who only had a vague idea of what I was actually doing all summer. I was fortunate enough to team up with Thomas Reiten for a day. We had only met a few days prior, chopped up ideas briefly – the filming direction was improv, which allowed for an unexpected qmulative shoutout by Dom Kennedy, it turned out dope and received very supportive feedback.
Do you have a street team that helps you promote the blog? I’ve mailed probably 1,000+ stickers to friends / brands / shops who’ve reached out to me – they’re cut for cheap and can be slapped up anywhere. My homies max, zach, jose and the FM crew push QMULATIVE the hardest locally (Tucson) which I’m very grateful for.
Where do you see your blog in 5 years? How do you want to make it better? I’m going to switch from a host site to an actual domain name here shortly and I want to progress into more of a lifestyle brand – this entailsI shooting (photo/video) / being in collaboration with way more of my own material.
Anyone you want to give special thanks too? My family, Rebecca Block, Thomas Reiten,, RepTuc, Modball sponsors, friends at FinallyMade, Fred Hart, Megan Casenhiser, and those who I’ve interned for.